
Im still deciding who I want to be♥

22 August, 2010


It starts off texting all the time. Sending each other smiley faces, making each other smile. Flirting, staying up late at night just having fun. Then things get more serious. You start getting more personal. Then you meet, you kiss him, you fall for him. Then he asks you out. You date. Doesn’t matter for how long, but you fall. Fall hard enough you don’t know what’s happening. And when you wake up, you’re left with reality. He breaks up with you in a matter of not even a month, or maybe more. But in the end, it’s all the same. You always end up with a broken heart. & you keep going back to him because you love him. You’ll take his crap, you don’t care, because you just want him.

11 August, 2010

a letter of reality.

Dear self; You a fool. A sucker. A foolish sucker for a beautiful boy and a cheeky smile. I won't say sorry for liking you, I won't regret anything. I think you may be to much for me to handle. The looks the personality the attention. They say to much of a good thing is bad for you, In that case I'm in a bad position. Stop it. Stop thinking about him. Why an earth are you hurting yourself. Get out quick. Leave things alone, for god sake. Sit. Think. Your driving yourself crazy. If he wants you he'll tell you. Listen to me for once, You can't hurt yourself again. We both know it. You'll die. Love from me.

08 August, 2010

i wonder what you dream of?

your asleep
its been a long day.
iv missed our usual banter.
its been a BAD day for me.
but then...
i thought of you.
i thought of that night,
the one where you fell asleep holding me.
the one where you said 'im so tired i think ill stay'
yet i sent you home,
even though..
 a part of me screamed ,
shut up and stay.
i shouldnt have woken you up.
im a silly girl.

your so cute :)

dont let my past and my insecurities scare you away - please stay?

when i cry, i wish to see your friendly face.

a.a.p; lay with me?

i want that.
id really like a cuddle right now.
id like him here right now to briefly hold me.
to give me a gentle kiss and then roll over and fall asleep.
i dont want anything more.
just having the knowledge that hes here next to me,
to hold me, to make me feel safe.

im sorry i take things out on you.

its all about the boy.

  • You're better off without the boy who would always rather spend time playing stupid computer games than precious time with you,
  • The boy who always seems to have suspiciously over-friendly text messages with random girls on his phone
  • The boy who shortens your dates because he would rather do something else with other people 
  • The boy who (indirectly or not) compares you to other girls with better figures, looks etc or says bad things about you to destroy your self esteem
  • The boy who always conveniently fails to pick up his phone while he's out partying at night
  • The boy who turns violent and whose aggressiveness scares / harms you when you guys have fights
  • The boy who never keeps his promises, from the littlest to the biggest things
  • The boy who says bad things about behind your back to his / your friends
  • The boy who could look you straight in the eyes and tell a blatant lie without even blinking
  • The boy who never replies your sweet text messages and never calls back when he says he will
  • The boy who seems to love you, but seems to like every other girl as well
  • ...And the boy who just never loved and appreciated you enough.

my mister lovely has a heart of gold.

you are one
 heavenly goregous man,
i cant keep my eyes off of you


03 August, 2010

hi my names hannah.
i like a guy.
lets call him A.

his actions say he likes me, but no words are never mentioned.
im kinda confused and i dont know how to approach him about it.
i wonder if i was to ask him out how would he react?

im excited for my cousins ball, not just because were celebrating her life but because hes promised to come to therefore it'll be a laugh without fail. hes lovely for doing that. a real good guy.

he bites his fingers. he gets dimples when he sticks his tounge out. he screws his face up and blinks funny sometimes. his teas arent that bad. he makes me laugh with his randomness. things are EASY - i like that. his utter determination in golf is admirable. without realising it he comforts me. not everythings sex, i enjoy his cuddles and kisses too. hes a good kisser. you look cute when your laying there sleepy. my nephew thinks your cool. i enjoy our cinema nights and dinners out. i think your gay that you watch southpark :p i want your cat give her to me. cook me dinner please? read this and understand that im not askng for anything serious, nothing major. just a simple yes or no answer... - {NO MAYBES} or youll get a slap :)

do you like me?

are we going anywhere?

secret 365; new found love.

i hate what iv become today, snapping at everyone and not explaining why.
how do you explain that your low?
that your mum is increasingly ill and you cant find the right way to express your feelings.
that all you wanna do is scream into a pillow and wish the world away;
how do you say that you just want a single cuddle, one effortless cuddle from someone - any one.

i want life to be simple again. why is it never simple? WHY?!
just when you finally think 'yeah life is good' it comes crashing the fuck down on you again.
fuck my life.

i hope i make you proud;

If you don't go after what you want you will never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.


  1. iv been hurt to much.

  2. i trust to easy.

  3. i want to be told im beautiful and somebody mean it.

  4. i wish i knew what made other girls so attractive to guys.

  5. why do guys like the girls that THROW themselves at them.

  6. im impatient.

  7. i want A.P to ask me out

  8. i wonder if he does like me?

  9. i can only wait so long.

  10. i will not be made to look a fool again.

  11. i will ask you if you dont ask me. i will stop this in its tracks soon if a decision isnt made.

  12. do you want me or dont you?

  13. i hate compilcations, just simplicity please.

  14. i like his cuppa teas; even if i moan.

  15. he gets dimples when he sticks his tounge out.

  16. i miss zoe.

  17. i want a cuddle & a kiss.

  18. i wonder how hes gettin on at his competition?

  19. i hope he wins today :)

  20. logan and mason are totally gorgeous.

  21. I have lost too many people in my short life.

  22. I don't know who I am or want to be.

  23.  want to be happy like this, always.

  24. I don't know where I stand a lot of the time.

  25. I don't know a lot of things.

  26. I rarely get jealous, but when i do it eats at me till i spit it out.

  27. I lost faith in the male race.

  28. I love the picture in this blog a lot.

  29. I tend to blog because it releases a lot of things I bottle in my head.

  30. I wish life was easier.

  31. I wish I was appreciated.

  32. I spoil logan and mason.

  33. I need to be honest, and realise that there are consequences to my actions.

  34. I grew up too quickly.

  35. I will never be the same person I once was.

  36. I am undecided whether or not this is a good or bad thing.

  37. I am unsure how one person can have such a massive impact on another life.

  38. I think Laurens Ball will be an alcohol enfuiled high - in a good way.

  39. I am so vulnerable, I have never been vulnerable until now.

  40. liking someone is easy, gettin them to feel the same is out of your control.

push me higher.

There is only so much solitary I can take, just like there are only so many lies I can forgive and only so many betrayels I can see past. Sometimes I question whether any of this is worth it at all...
And to be completely honest, I think that is one of the fairest questions I've asked in a long time.

not yesterday

Today is enough. You don’t need forever and always. You don’t need promises of days that never come. Today is enough, you don’t need the words that cannot possibly be true. Nothing is forever. Nothing lasts for always.

Today should always be enough.

i dont mind (LIES)

in the past couple of weeks or so i have met someone that made me comfortable, shared smiles and laughs with them, kissed, cuddled and ventured into the world of lust. if i am then to be a mistake, i hope i was a nice one.

iv got something to believe in.

wont go any 
further, but
for right
now, im
with the
that it might♥.

you are yummy. not gune lie.
i like it when we got hot and heavy.
but most of all i like the cuddle and kisses after.
the silence with just our racing hearts for words.