
Im still deciding who I want to be♥

30 October, 2009

teenage years.

iv grown tired of boys, of love and its failings. im tired of caring to much and trusting to much. i should learn from first mistakes that im a fool and that this will be my downfall. Do you remember what I was when we first met? I'd built walls around my heart, gated them, and thrown away the key. I had been hurt, I told you from the beginning. I'd been used, tricked, played with, but most of all, hurt. I thought it best to never fall in love again. So I locked my heart. i dont feel quiet myself again. and i think strangely zoe is the only one that understands how i truely feel.

'im young and im still carefree' i hear it all the time but although logically thats true, if you knew me you'd know that im far to mature for my age. i dont take tisks and im hardly out late. & whether people choose to believe it or not i been in love. iv felt the highs and lows and iv been through to much to tell the difference between something like love and lust. iv felt the hole it leaves when youve been broken and i know that its hard to move on for a while. so much for these being the teenage years.

im a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea.

swimming with zoe today yes we happen to rule the braintree swimming pool; doing lengths, drooling over the life guard, and trying to float but failing epicly! so same time next month yes zoee? ha. Waiting at the bus stop was something to remember. zoe putting her jeans over her leggings bcoz she was cold. singing smack that, and miming slapping our arses. laughing out loud at the FATEST CAT in the world. and just generally enjoying the freezing cold by laughing :) oh yes i do love you zobo. what a lovely jubly past few days its been with you... although may i say that being poked by you in the moring was not something i was expecting haha. god these are what i call the good days :)

29 October, 2009


29-10-09 / 30-10-09
well what can i say? todays been an eventful one but an amazing one at that! iv realised thanks to zoe that not everything needs to be analized so much. it helps that you have peoples passwords and can hack into their accounts too ;) its been all about, photos, twilight, ben&jerrys ( the only men we need ), the skate bowl and a certain SOMEONE breaking their leg, well done smart arse :D so turns out me & zoe are lesbo's. yes you heard it hear first people. its love, no denying it - theres hot chemistry there... sorry adam shes mine! according to the guys and girls 'hanging' outside the bowl were lesbos and they'd rather like us to suck their winkies. <- ha! how mature zoe! but of course zoe came back with a fiery comment - nah its too small mate.
these continued with another well deserved mention of the comment by zoe in town today...
random preacher: christians are therefore married to jesus... zoe: dont remind me, hes shit in bed!
we decided that a certain person that had been the focus of many moaning sessions this evening deserved a BEAUTIFUL song so to you we dedicate this... a fake name has been used to prevent embarassement.
Linda, the pink fairy,
the pinkest fairy you'll see,
with pink hair, and pink clothes,
what is left for me?
twilight? its official zoe HAS become a nerd with me. running commentary was used throughout, provided by me and zoe herself of course. we are available for service, not the sex kind. stop thinking that now. seriously. STOP.
anyway one line needing to be mention must be the scene when eddy baby is in a tree, looking scared shitless of bella bitch. where i then said... i have spray!
followed by zoe: yeah i have spray TAN! LOLLLLL. who else thinks they all need a good sun session?
one final thing to mention before we leave, facebook. urrgh, iv lost the will to give a fuck about boys. (MANNNNNN UP! shouts zoe) what is with the population of men today deciding that the best way to break news to you is by email? or facebook? or some sort of other communtication then telephone or face-to-face. empty lies followed by furthur bullshit. wow, boy do i feel great knowing all that i know now. hmm im beggining to regret telling you anything. nice one love (Y) but whats done is done. im not gunna sit here and waste time slamming you, its pointless. so were over and out, beds calling us and linda fairy is knocking on the window so with all said and done. nighty night. p.s enjoy the photos from our hacking session ;) we would like to add that we have blanked out names for the sake of not getting caught. haha.

A best friends night in - one way to kill a heart that has been broken.

sometimes you relise that your best friend has to hack into your blog hannah and take over. Well im Zoe Harrington, alot has happened and more to come but i think you all should know that i turly feel Hannah Lewis, is the cloest person to perfect. She's been fucked around alot , i hate people who hurt her! fuck off out of her life:) , sometimes it's time to move on and get your own back and i hope tonight helped hannah to reliase that she don't need some man-slut :) but she needs good friends,twilight and of course - facebook! with alot of pictures and passwords you will find out that nothing on the internet is kept a sercet mr slutface. and today when your picking up your 6-7th new girlfriend? the lesbo's are hacking your life and going to bring you down with a smile :) . Sometimes you dont relise that you do, and thats when photos and mermoies come into play. I hope you relise what you have done : ) and not to mess with girls cuz tbh you will lose BIG TIME :) peace out motherfuckerrrr.

27 October, 2009

a sign of relief :)

im a day dream believer and not a realist at all. iv established that im not all that pretty and that according to someone i talk way to fast. music is slowly invading my life, and im making big mistakes by letting things get to me too much. i know when things arent the same, and can tell when people are just pretending. im the sort that will listen to music for hours on end and relate to some lyrics too. i love how i laugh over the stupidest of things, example 'WHAT THE FUCKKK?!' haha good times. i want to be something to someone. iv gt real friends and fake friends, iv got people in my life that mean more then others. but they know who they are. i will change and soon. i will spend less time on msn and more time on important things. my happiness will take priority and i wont sit back anymore. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdvPLtkSeHY what a song (Y)

zoe, dad & me.

its official im not going to run around and wait for something that may or may not happen. iv established that sometimes things happen and we cant change it. my best friend zoe put things in to perspective and rele snapped me back into reality at how much iv been played over the last year. she really is one hell of a friend to me<3 i think my dad speaks alot of truth. his advice is something that i never rele took on board untill recently, turns out what he has to say is rele important. he told me to never give up on what i want and to fight till the bitter end. stop pissing about and tell people whats rele on your mind. if someone likes you they'll make an effort, not just you. and sometimes people dont stay the same as when you met them but thats okay because you still had some good times. iv recognised my faults too. nobodys perfect and i am far to trusting. im having one of those days were i just want to get things out in the open and answer some of those unanswered questions that are burning in people minds & settle my own too...