
Im still deciding who I want to be♥

06 December, 2009

ill always walk beside you...

Zoe. Zobo. Munchkin. my best friend. i started thinking of her and realised iv not rele spoke much about her. Shes going through bad times right now and i know she needs cheering up so thats what i hope this does. She is so very important to me, and i know that i am thankful to have a friend like her in my life. we dont see eachother very often and we dont speak everyday, and that upsets me but i know that no matter what she is my best friend and always will be. weve come such a long way together and im glad we got close. id hate to lose her. sometimes it feels like were drifting away and that really hurts me but then i realise that friendships not based upon how much you see eachother, its about the time you do spend together. And boy when were togther do we have fun! Shes the one that understandes me, the that can see past the make up and the fake smiles, she know when i need a chat and can see past the 'IM FINE' routine. She also knows that I LOVE YOU can go along way... icecream, cold night walks, twilight, passwords and hacking - all part of our girly nights in. weve got so many fantastic memories together, just like being sick in toilets, lifeguards and drowning and being lesbians together. Its cliche but its true, shes amazing and VERY beautiful! i love the way that we run up to eachother if we see one another in town and just HUG and squeal like kids, it reminds me just how close we are. i am always here, no matter the hour or the day. ill hold you when you need me, and dry your tears when you cry. i promise to sooth you and listen when you need a chat and offer advice when ever you want it. iv still got the first email you sent me about hoping to call me a best friend oneday...well guess we made it happen :D sometimes it takes someone like her to make me realise that i can get by happy without men and without the arsehole that crushed my world. aslong as i have her in my life then i know ill be just fine :) i hope your all as lucky as me to have someone like her in your life. i love you to the moon and the stars and beyond! <3

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