
Im still deciding who I want to be♥

27 December, 2009

20 December, 2009

anyone for a party?

As 2010 grows ever closer, iv found myself toying with the idea of having a mass party in my garden at some point in the near future. Iv always fancied hosting a party but my house is simply to small to even hold 6 people let alone a whole gaggle of them! With this being said my garden on the other hand is the perfect size for a gathering!
I can picture it now: a bunch of teenagers, fuelled on alcohol, music lights, the works.
oh what a night it would be...

19 December, 2009

i love this film so so much; what'a classic

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspicion... 
love actually is all around."

i'd just like to wish my Bestest Friend Zoe a very happy birthday.
looking forward to the sleepover tonight, i know it will be one to remember :)
full of smiles, memories & photos! roll on 6'oclock...
all my love, forever - Hannah xxx

18 December, 2009

Where is the love?
"oh, i wish it could be christmas everyday..."

Christmas 2009.
a winder wonderland might be nice please?
i wish the snow would stay a little longer :(

truth spell.

Love is a drug. & i think im addicted.

a constant battle with a drug i cant escape.
all i know is that he is my overdose.
with him i will die. without him i do too.
a non win situation, an everlasting high.

16 December, 2009

I am...

Addicted to music. Obsessed with food. Trying to fall in love with life again. Craving companionship. Hopeful that 2010 will bring new tidings and a new leaf. Stubborn and stuck in my ways. Hoping i will move on. Pursuading myself to delete all traces of him. Waiting to find the energy, the emotional strength to deal with all my issues. A person of consideration. In love with a boy. Almost a year after we met, five months after he broke up and stopped talking to me, and a month after I decided I needed to live my life and stop waiting for him... and I'm still in love with him. Hoping to meet new people. Always weighing up my options. Greedy about food, love, attention and good relationships. Misses being close to her best friend. we said we'd never drift but look at us now. Getting better slowly, but surely. Depression will not kick my ass yet.

06 December, 2009

ill always walk beside you...

Zoe. Zobo. Munchkin. my best friend. i started thinking of her and realised iv not rele spoke much about her. Shes going through bad times right now and i know she needs cheering up so thats what i hope this does. She is so very important to me, and i know that i am thankful to have a friend like her in my life. we dont see eachother very often and we dont speak everyday, and that upsets me but i know that no matter what she is my best friend and always will be. weve come such a long way together and im glad we got close. id hate to lose her. sometimes it feels like were drifting away and that really hurts me but then i realise that friendships not based upon how much you see eachother, its about the time you do spend together. And boy when were togther do we have fun! Shes the one that understandes me, the that can see past the make up and the fake smiles, she know when i need a chat and can see past the 'IM FINE' routine. She also knows that I LOVE YOU can go along way... icecream, cold night walks, twilight, passwords and hacking - all part of our girly nights in. weve got so many fantastic memories together, just like being sick in toilets, lifeguards and drowning and being lesbians together. Its cliche but its true, shes amazing and VERY beautiful! i love the way that we run up to eachother if we see one another in town and just HUG and squeal like kids, it reminds me just how close we are. i am always here, no matter the hour or the day. ill hold you when you need me, and dry your tears when you cry. i promise to sooth you and listen when you need a chat and offer advice when ever you want it. iv still got the first email you sent me about hoping to call me a best friend oneday...well guess we made it happen :D sometimes it takes someone like her to make me realise that i can get by happy without men and without the arsehole that crushed my world. aslong as i have her in my life then i know ill be just fine :) i hope your all as lucky as me to have someone like her in your life. i love you to the moon and the stars and beyond! <3