
Im still deciding who I want to be♥

12 June, 2011

What if everything you always wanted came to you, white flag raised, surrendering themselves to you completely? What if this person told you that they wanted to keep you for the rest of forever? I love this man, but this isn't a fairytale kind of love. This love is hard work and broken hearts; This love is rage and betrayal, tears and quarrels. This love is by far the most difficult thing that I have ever done and it has sent me to rock bottom's unforgiving depths. But love is love, even when it hurts, even when you think you have given every scrap left within you.

You are the very best parts of me, the wrinkles and bellyaches after laughing, the calm after the roughest storm and the arms I am always falling into when this world gets a little too terrifying for me to brave. You have the hands I'm constantly searching for, the hands that I want holding me for the rest of my forever.

I know that we have fought more than most people have in their entire lives, but you said it yourself, you know this is love, and right now that is enough. There is nothing that could make me happier in this moment than the prospect of our forevers.

You are always saving me, and I am so scared of not being good enough, but even if this doesn't last, even if we start WWIII between us, this feeling right now would be worth every second of it.

One day I will find the right words to tell you how I feel, but for right now all I can say is yes, I will be your forever.

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