
Im still deciding who I want to be♥

27 July, 2010

to my inspiration - zoe.

letter one.

you are my best friend. the one thing in this life of mine that is perfection. a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul.
simply irreplaceable and her strong attitude is remarkable. for a young girl to experience so much sorrow and channel it into making other peoples lives better - like mine for instants is amazing. i will forever be thankful to her for being my life saviour and helping me in my time of need.

this time its her who needs me and i will walk along side her throught the potholed road of life and offer not guidance but companionship. everbody is going through tough times, the irony in it all is that they all believe that what they are going thrugh is just as bad if not worse then what you are. life isnt about understanding your troubles, its about surviving it.  everbody deserves the best of what this world can offer and i believe that she of all people is worthly of a lifetime of happiness.

she is the strongest person i know; my inspiration and i admire her for so many reasons. if only she knew what a impact she has on peoples lives, maybe she'd realise that she IS better then this. she can BEAT this and she is NEVER alone. she fixed me, and i will try to fix her.

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